Monday, November 30, 2009

South Mountain

This is one of my favorite photos of the city, a view from South Mountain. A monsoon blew in, and in the photo below, you can see the wall of wind moving through downtown Phoenix.

South Mountain Park is the largest muncipal park in the world. Seven miles of paved road take drivers to scenic views at 2,300 and 2,600 feet. I think I snapped this photo from the second view point, but I'm not sure. The park is 16,000 acres and offers 51 miles of trails.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Hanny's used to be Phoenix's premier downtown department store until it closed about 20 years ago. To find out more about it, visit my other blog, The AZ Traveler at

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sheraton Downtown

I was in this Sheraton for the first time a few weeks ago. Very modern. Very cool. (Unfortunately, I was there for a business meeting and didn't have an opportunity to take photos inside.)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Making Bullets

I watched a Revolutionary War reenactor make bullets Saturday by melting aluminium foil over an open fire and pouring the liquid metal into a small mold. When he was done, he crimped the runoff away so it formed a perfect circular bullet. Then, he threw the bullet back into the aluminum to melt down and start all over again. (Something an actual soldier, of course, would have never done.)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Another photo from the American Heritage Festival...This reenactor represented the mountain men. After we had moved past him, he pulled out his banjo and began to play.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

We Make History

We went to The American History Festival yesterday at Schnepf Farms here in Queen Creek. The event is put on by a group called We Make History, and my brother was one of the reenactors. Over the next few days, I'll be sharing some photos. Todays are from the Civil War reenactment.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I took this photo in my backyard. It's not uncommon to open our back door and have two or three rabbits run off, though I've seen as many as half a dozen. The rabbits are definitely what's drawing the coyotes into our neighborhood.

Speaking of coyotes...Last night, as we were driving home along Hunt Highway, my husband slammed on the brakes, like he might have if he missed our turn (which isn't that uncommon, given how dark it is out here). I looked up and was surprised to find we weren't anywhere near our turn off. Just then, I saw one of two coyotes dart into the road. The first one made it all the way across; the second one went about halfway, then turned back. They both seemed pretty confused and kept trying to cross the road to get back to each other. We finally were able to move on, leaving them on opposite sides of the road.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Light Rail

We've had light rail in the Valley for less than a year now. I haven't taken it from the East Valley to downtown yet (the closest stop for me is Tempe), but I've heard from those who have that it's great, especially if you are going to a Diamondbacks or Suns game.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I was back in downtown Phoenix yesterday getting ready for my book signing on Thursday (1-5pm) at the Visitors Center, right next to the Convention Center. Again, I parked on the 9th floor of the Arizona Center parking garage. (I like to park away from other cars, and its a nice view.)

This photo is of the skyline to the north of I10.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Buildings reflected in the Chase Bank Building downtown.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Her Secret is Patience

This is another photograph taken from the 9th floor of the Arizona Center parking garage. You'll see a large metal pole in the middle of the photograph, anchoring two blue circles just above the buildings. From where I was, I couldn't get a better shot of "Her Secret is Patience," a new artwork in Downtown Civic Park. The net sculpture, inspired by monsoon clouds and cactus blooms, moves with the wind and glows at night. See a shot of it at night in this month's issue of Sunset magazine.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Downtown Phoenix

I was in Downtown Phoenix yesterday for a meeting. This photo was taken from the 9th floor of the Arizona Center parking garage.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Salt River

Here's another photo I found while doing some research. I like it because it shows just how crazy the Salt River gets during the summer. From what I've heard, it's one big party. Not exactly family-friendly, though.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Chapel of the Holy Cross

While doing some research today, I found this photo of the Chapel of the Holy Cross.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Red Rocks of Sedona

I don't have a lot of time today, so more on Sedona tomorrow, I hope. This is a photo taken while on a Pink Jeep Tour in Sedona last August.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monsterland at Schnepf Farms

People come from all over Phoenix to get spooked at Schnepf Farm's haunted house. I snapped this photo last week. Note the cotton field behind the sign and along the far edge of the field you can see bales of cotton.